Object and Type
Object : FCApplication
Type : Method
Public Function GetTimeZonesInCountry(ByVal Country As String)
As ADODB.Recordset
This method returns a recordset containing the list time_zone records for the given country.
When finished with the returned recordset, you should close the recordset using the .Close method and then set your variable to Nothing or Null. This will release the resources needed for this object.
Parameter Name Required? Description
Country Yes Country Name
A recordset containing the list time_zone records for the given country.
Visual Basic:
The code in this example is written in Visual Basic.
The following example populates a drop-down list of time zones for a particular country
Sub FillTZ(TheCountry)
' Clear the existing list
'Get the List of TimeZones
'Fill into the drop-down list
'Save the First Time Zone for this country
'Close the recordset
Dim TZList As ADODB.Recordset
Set TZList = FCApp.GetTimeZonesInCountry(TheCountry)
FirstTZ = ""
If Not TZList.EOF Then
FirstTZ = TZList("full_name")
End If
While Not TZList.EOF
ddl_timezone.AddItem TZList("full_name")
TZList = Nothing
'Get the Default Time Zone
'If the default TimeZone is in this country
'Then set this one to be selected
'Else, set the first time zone to be selected
defTZ = FCApp.GetDefaultTimeZone
If FCApp.IsTimeZoneInCountry(TheCountry, defTZ, True) Then
ddl_timezone.Text = defTZ
If FirstTZ <> "" Then ddl_timezone.Text = FirstTZ
End If
End Sub